lib / tv.smartclip.smartclientandroid.lib

Package tv.smartclip.smartclientandroid.lib



Wrapper for advertisement processing. After the loading process was initialized by one of the SxAdSlotController.loadAd methods all needed visualization changes are forwarded to the provided SxAdSlotDelegate.

class SxAdSlotController : Releasable, IKoinDi


View that should be used for outstream use cases. It uses the ExoPlayer to display the requested advertisement tag (incl. it's opener, closer and/or bumper). onResume and onPause must be called in the corresponding android lifecycle callbacks. release must be called when this view is not needed anymore. To change the used SxConfiguration you can use all xml attributes defined in R.styleable.SxAdView or overwrite SxAdView and implement the configuration property.

open class SxAdView : ConstraintLayout, AdView, Releasable


Controller class for instream use cases.

class SxSequencer : IKoinDi, Releasable, SxEventProvider