Video Advertising Suite


> Documentation-Index

smartclientcore - Static API

The static API can be used to create and connect instances of the smartclientcore with the video player. It is available from the global namespace on the window object.

Table of contents


connect(player : PlayerFacade) : smartclientcore

Sets up a new smartclientcore instance for the given video player.

setup(pluginSetup : GlobalConfig) : Promise<AdSlotAPI>

Configures the smartclientcore instance with the given configuration, as specified in Global Configuration. Returns a promise that either resolves with the AdSlotAPI or rejects with one of the following PluginError:

Setup Error - Codes Table

Code Description
60 Invalid Setup - The specified pluginSetup does not match with the GlobalConfig definition.
61 Player API not available - The PlayerFacade has not been connected before starting the setup process.
62 Ad Reinsertion Penalty - AdReinsertion initialization failed, either due to a invalid configuration or issues that must be answered by the AdReinsertion vendor.
63 Ad Reinsertion Initialization Timeout - AdReinsertion initialization took too long, either caused by the timeout limitation or issues that must be answered by the AdReinsertion vendor.
64 Ad Reinsertion usage declined by the vendor.

How to catch Setup Errors

let adSlotAPI = null;
let playerFacade = new PlayerFacade();

// We won't create the entire configuration from scratch, we'll use the default object...
let globalConfig = smartclientcore.SCHEMA.create(smartclientcore.SCHEMA.GLOBAL_CONFIG);

// ... and only adjust selected properties.
globalConfig.debug = true;
globalConfig.adReinsertion = {
    homad: {
        enabled: true,
        setup: {
            globalConfig: '',
            clientConfig: '',
            enableSessionCoverage: false,
            activationCallback: (_reason) => {
                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

                    // The reason for activating HOMAD sounds reasonable?

                    // otherwise

// Requests the AdSlotAPI for the given configuration or fails with reason.
smartclientcore.connect(playerFacade).setup(globalConfig).then((_adSlotAPI) => {
    adSlotAPI = _adSlotAPI;'Successfully created publisher plugin instance', this.adSlotAPI);
}, (failure) => {
    smartclientcore.DEBUG.warn('Error while creating publisher Advertising Module instance.', failure);

    switch(failure.code) {
        case 60:
            const isValidConfig = smartclientcore.SCHEMA.validate(this.globalConfig, smartclientcore.SCHEMA.GLOBAL_CONFIG);
  '[publisherModule] Schema validation failed?', isValidConfig);
        case 61:
  '[publisherModule] Player API not available. Did you call `smartclientcore.connect(withYourPlayerFacade)` before?');
        case 62:
  '[publisherModule] AdReinsertion initialization failed.');

            /** If the issue appears during development
             *  - double check the `adReinsertion` config for any typos or wrong URLs
             *  - watch out for missing sources in the network tab of the developer tools
             *    and contact the source owner
             *  - deactivate the ad-blocker

            /** Otherwise you are facing a very bad ad-blocker.
             *  - AdReinsertion will not work
             *  - force the user to deactivate the ad-blocker
             *  - or play out the content without ads
  '[publisherModule] Unknown setup error.', failure);

Sample code :: How to catch setup errors.



Declaration of ad types as ENUMs that can be used with requesting an ad slot.

EVENT: Object

Declaration of events as ENUMs that occur during playback of a single ad or mutliple ads delivery. See smartclientcore - Ad Events for more details.


List of event names as defined in the EVENT object.

SCHEMA: Object

The SCHEMA Object introduces default schemes for frequently used Objects and methods that help creating and validating these. All SCHEMA definitions and helpers are accessible via the smartclientcore.SCHEMA Object.


Setup definition for a commercial break. Properties are described within section Sequential Config: Ad-Break.

Setup definition for the current session that is applied to all commercial breaks. Properties are described within section Global Config.


validate(input : Object, schema : JSONSchema) : Boolean
Can be used to check the validity of Configuration Objects against a corresponding schema.

create(schema : JSONSchema) : Object
Returns a qualified Object for the given schema definition, filled with the expected default values.

supportedFacadeVersion: String

Returns the version number for the supported Facade interface.

error: PluginError

Requests details about the most recent error that has occurred.