Video Advertising Suite


Migration Notes v5 to v6

Last Modified on 2022-07-06T12:48:12.774Z

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With version 6 of the smartclientcore there are now two ways to supply ads. As in previous versions ads for a specific ad-slot can be requested or ad playlists can be requested, which contain a collection of ads for the entire underlying content.

The smartclientcore introduces its second publisher API, the AdPlaylistAPI to work with VMAP responses. The former PublisherAPI has been renamed to AdSlotAPI, which keeps working with VAST responses.


No matter whether one wants to use VAST or VMAP and VAST together, three changes have to be made in the PlayerFacade.

  • The smartclientcore version 6.1 first requires facade version 3.2 to properly prepare both of the publisher APIs.
  • The FacadeBase interface has been extended with a new method getEnvironmentVars(). It is called whenever it requires fresh data from the publisher. Up to v5 EnvironmentVars could only be defined once when calling PublisherAPI.initAdSlot().
  • Since the smartclientcore can work with video and audio players, the method getVideoElement should be renamed to getPlayerElement()
 * Requests the player facade version (API version) to ensure the particular versions of `smartclientcore` and player
 * facade are supported.
 * @param {string} apiFacadeVersion - Required API version
 * @returns {string} Supported API version
PlayerFacade.prototype.handshakeVersion = function (apiFacadeVersion) {
    return '3.2';

 * Requests the latest status of the video player, site, and other external factors.
 * @param {string} adBreakType - Linearity of the upcoming ad slot. See [`AdBreak.type`](setup-sequential-config#adbreak+type)
 * @returns {EnvironmentVars} Description object of current states or `null`.
PlayerFacade.prototype.getEnvironmentVars = function (adBreakType) {
    try {
        return this.environmentVars;
    } catch (error) {
        return {};

 * Requests the video player element
 * @returns {Element} The video element
 * @deprecated
PlayerFacade.prototype.getVideoElement = function() {

    // deprecated method, use getPlayerElement instead
    return this.getPlayerElement();

 * Requests the player element
 * @returns {Element} The video or audio element
PlayerFacade.prototype.getPlayerElement = function() {
    return this.myPlayerElement;


As said in the beginning you now have two ways to use the smartclientcore. Follow the next two steps if you only want to receive VAST-AdTags (ideally zero changes have to be done).

If you instead want to receive VMAP documents see how to do this with the AdPlaylistAPI.

VAST-only usage

The following two steps should already look like your implementation and basically remain the same. But keep in mind, that way you cannot receive VMAP ad-tags.


Typically, in your AdController you connect with the smartclientcore like this.

AdController.prototype.initSmartclientcore = function () {
    var that = this;

        .then(function (adSlotAPI) {
            that.adSlotAPI = adSlotAPI;


After connecting to the core you use the AdSlotAPI to call initAdSlot and then startAdSlot:

that.adSlotAPI.initAdSlot(adBreak, that.environmentVars).then(function () {
}, function (failure) {
    console.log('something went wrong while requesting VAST', failure);


The new VMAP partion of the smartclientcore introduces a new submodule vmap, that actually has the same methods to connect and initialize.


Aside of calling the methods on the submodule, the major difference is that calling setup() now returns two publisher APIs - an API for ad-playlists (VMAP) and the well known API for the ad-slot.

AdController.prototype.initSmartclientcore = function () {
    var that = this;

        .then(function([adPlaylistAPI, adSlotAPI]) {
            that.adPlaylistAPI = adPlaylistAPI;
            that.adSlotAPI = adSlotAPI;


Similar to VAST-only setups you initialize the ad server request (initAdPlaylist()) and process the ad server response (startAdPlaylist()). Instead of providing the entire environmentVars as beforehand, you only supply the vastMacros property. The other environmentVars are requested from the PlayerFacade at runtime (see PlayerFacade).

Think of all the required macros and set the optional ones. See IAB-Page. Implement it like this:

var vastMacros = {};

this.adPlaylistAPI.initAdPlaylist(adBreak, vastMacros).then(function () {
}, function (failure) {
    console.log('something went wrong while requesting VMAP', failure);

Initialization comparison

v5 v6
smartclientcore.connect(PlayerFacade) to create a instance of the smartclientcore VAST implementation for the given PlayerFacade smartclientcore.connect(PlayerFacade), PlayerFacade must match the FacadeBase interface version 3.2
setup(GlobalConfig) to instantiate the PublisherAPI setup(GlobalConfig), but the API has been renamed to AdSlotAPI
n/a introduces smartclientcore.vmap.connect(PlayerFacade) to create an instance of the smartclientcore VMAP and VAST implementation for the given PlayerFacade (based upon FacadeBase interface version 3.2)
n/a setup(GlobalConfig) to instantiate the AdPlaylistAPI and AdSlotAPI
setup() parameter globalConfig GlobalConfig.adVerification.OMID nested properties moved to GlobalConfig.adVerification
setup() parameter globalConfig The GlobalConfig.adVerification.nonOMID property has been removed

PublisherAPI -> AdSlotAPI

Now that the smartclientcore offers two publisher APIs, the former PublisherAPI has been renamed to AdSlotAPI.


v5 PublisherAPI v6 AdSlotAPI
initAdSlot() parameter adBreak The AdBreak introduces a new property adBreakPosition that defines the execution point within the timeline of the underlying content.
initAdSlot() parameter environmentVars The EnvironmentVars property macro has been renamed to vastMacros.
stopAdSlot() returns void stopAdSlot() returns Promise



The EVENT.ON_HOMAD_ACTIVATION is no longer triggered in response to resolving the AdReinsertion.activationCallback, because things need to be updated before AdReinsertion is activated. So once you resolve the activationCallback, make sure to move all the logic related to bypassing AdBlockers away from the event and into the callback method.


Since v5.2 the setup method must be called from the smartclientcore instance, that is returned from calling connect. Calls to smartclientcore.setup() are no longer caught but fail with a Runtime Error.


Pre Open Measurement methods are no longer supported. Logic and setup options (GlobalConfig.adVerification.nonOMID) have been removed.