smartClientCore - Bypassing Ad-Blockers with HOMAD

The add-on has been extended with the HOMAD HTML5 solution to help bypassing ad-blockers. In order to detect and circumvent user identification and ad blocking software in time, the add-on intercepts the player initialization and connects with the HOMAD server as a very first step. Ad-request will be immediately redirected to HOMAD once they get blocked for any reason.

The add-on comes with a HOMAD test-setup that must not be used in production. Please consult SpotX to get the following steps done and tested before deploying.

##Configure your DNS entries per Client URL

Source: HOMAD HTML5 - Setup DNS Configuration
*.1.damoh.[EXAMPLE.COM] -->
*.2.damoh.[EXAMPLE.COM] -->
*.3.damoh.[EXAMPLE.COM] -->

##Get your JSON client configuration files

Source: HOMAD HTML5 - Setup the Configuration Files
homadConfig[YOUR URL].json
homadConfig[YOUR URL]-TEST.json

##Add the JSON to the Global Configuration

Open the file(s) and extend the add-on Global Config with a new property homadClientConfig that receives the JSON object. Alternatively upload the file(s) to the client server that loads the video player and request it at runtime.

Example: Video Player advertising setup
--- config.js
+++ config.js

    globalConfig = {

+        homadClientConfig: {
+            "enabled":true,
+            "server":[
+                "http://[hash].1.damoh.[EXAMPLE.COM]/",
+                "http://[hash].2.damoh.[EXAMPLE.COM]/",
+                "http://[hash].3.damoh.[EXAMPLE.COM]/"
+            ],
+            "alias":"youralias",
+            "adpath":"",
+            "config":""
+        },
+        // or...
+        //homadClientConfig: 'path-to/homadConfig[YOUR URL].json'
