Video Advertising Suite


> Documentation-Index

smartClientCore - Error Codes

If an error occurs while trying to load and serve an ad, the add-on will replace the [ERRORCODE] macro within VAST <Error> URLs.

Table of contents

Ad Error - Codes Table

List of error codes used by the add-on.

Codes with a leading star (*) have been introduced to highlight issues, that can be assigned to a specific reason but are not yet covered by a corresponding VAST error code (at the time of this writing, VAST 4.2).

All other (unstarred) error codes are equal with the IAB VAST 4.2 Error Codes and Meanings.

Code Description
100 XML parsing error.
101 VAST schema validation error.
*110 Invalid XML received, no response or nonXML response - server answered with a status code.
200 Trafficking error. Media player received an Ad type that it was not expecting and/or cannot play.
201 Media player expecting different linearity.
301 Timeout of VAST URI provided in Wrapper element, or of VAST URI provided in a subsequent Wrapper element. (URI was either unavailable or reached a timeout as defined by the media player.)
302 Wrapper limit reached, as defined by the media player. Too many Wrapper responses have been received with no InLine response.
303 No VAST response after one or more Wrappers.
*310 Mixed Content: The ad request has been blocked and must be served over HTTPS.
400 General Linear error. Media player is unable to display the Linear Ad.
401 File not found. Unable to find Linear/MediaFile from URI.
402 Timeout of MediaFile URI.
403 Couldn’t find MediaFile that is supported by this media player, based on the attributes of the MediaFile element.
405 Problem displaying MediaFile. Media player found a MediaFile with supported type but couldn’t display it. MediaFile may include: unsupported codecs, different MIME type than MediaFile@type, unsupported delivery method, etc.
500 General NonLinearAds error.
501 Unable to display NonLinearAd because creative dimensions do not align with creative display area (i.e. creative dimension too large).
502 Unable to fetch NonLinearAds/NonLinear resource.
503 Couldn’t find NonLinear resource with supported type.
901 General VPAID error.

Ad Warning - Codes Table

During ad playback the add-on may respond with one of the following error codes to warn about non-critical issues that do not interrupt the delivery.

Code Description
50 Unknown tracker loading error
51 Timeout of tracker request URIs

Setup Error - Codes Table

The add-on responds with one of the following error codes if the initial setup fails. See Static API Methods for more Details.

Code Description
60 Invalid Setup - The specified pluginSetup does not match with the GlobalConfig definition.
61 Player API not available - The PlayerFacade has not been connected before starting the setup process.
62 Ad Reinsertion Penalty - AdReinsertion initialization failed, either due to a invalid configuration or issues that must be answered by the AdReinsertion vendor.
63 Ad Reinsertion Initialization Timeout - AdReinsertion initialization took too long, either caused by the timeout limitation or issues that must be answered by the AdReinsertion vendor.

Ad-Slot Error - Codes Table

The add-on responds with one of the following error codes if the initialization or termination of an ad slot fails.

Code Description
10 An ad-slot has already been started. Shut down the current ad-slot by calling stopAdSlot.
11 Restoring the content failed. The add-on indicates the error by sending a GeneralError event.
20 Invalid AdBreak definition.
21 Unknown Manifest Loading Error.
22 The manifest couldn't be loaded in time.

AdReinsertion Activation Reason - Codes Table

Code Description
1000 Timeout of ad-request URIs
1001 XHR request status is not 200 (ok)
1002 General XHR request error, network issues
1004 Timeout of wrapper request chain
1010 Timeout of media file request URIs
1013 General load error of media file URIs