Video Advertising Suite


> Documentation-Index




AdPlaylistSetup : Object

Ad configuration for the upcoming content video.


Kind: global class

adPlaylistAPI.error ⇒ PluginError

Requests details about the most recent error that has occurred.

Kind: instance property of AdPlaylistAPI
Returns: PluginError - Description object of the most recent error or null.

adPlaylistAPI.rawVMAP ⇒ String

Returns the VMAP that has been collected for the current (content) session

Kind: instance property of AdPlaylistAPI
Returns: String - XML as String

adPlaylistAPI.initAdPlaylist(playlistSpecs, vastMacros)

Starts requesting a VMAP from the ad server

Kind: instance method of AdPlaylistAPI

Param Type Description
playlistSpecs AdPlaylistSetup Ad configuration for the upcoming content video.
vastMacros VASTMacros VAST macros and their values as defined in


Starts playback and monitoring of the content and automatically inserts ad-slots based on the timeOffset values of each VMAP AdBreak. AdBreaks with a timeOffset equally to 0, "start" or "0%" get requested immediately.

Kind: instance method of AdPlaylistAPI


Immediately stops monitoring the content playback. AdBreaks that have already started remain until they complete. If necessary, they must be canceled via the AdSlotAPI.stopAdSlot().

Kind: instance method of AdPlaylistAPI

AdPlaylistSetup : AdPlaylistSetup

Ad configuration for the upcoming content video.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
tag String VMAP Request URL
response String direct VMAP XML
preroll SeperationClip Separation Clip and Prefetching setup for the adBreak
midroll SeperationClip Separation Clip and Prefetching setup
postroll SeperationClip Separation Clip and Prefetching setup
overlay SeperationClip Prefetching setup