Video Advertising Suite


> Documentation-Index

smartClientCore - Static API

The static API can be used to create and connect instances of the add-on with the video player. It is available from the tv.smartclip.smartclientcore package.

Table of contents


connect(player : PlayerFacade) : smartClientCore

Sets up a new add-on instance for the given video player.

setup(pluginSetup : GlobalConfig) : AdSlotAPI(AdSlotAPI.html)>

Configures the smartClientCore instance with the given configuration, as specified in Global Configuration. Returns AdSlotAPI or throws PluginError:

Setup Error - Codes Table

Code Description
60 Invalid Setup - The specified pluginSetup does not match with the GlobalConfig definition.
61 Player API not available - The PlayerFacade has not been connected before starting the setup process.
62 Ad Reinsertion Penalty - AdReinsertion initialization failed, either due to a invalid configuration or issues that must be answered by the AdReinsertion vendor.
63 Ad Reinsertion Initialization Timeout - AdReinsertion initialization took too long, either caused by the timeout limitation or issues that must be answered by the AdReinsertion vendor.

How to catch Setup Errors

val videoViewFacade = VideoViewFacade(videoPlayer)
val globalConfig = GlobalConfig()

coreInstanceInterface = SmartClientCore.connect(videoViewFacade)?.apply {
    try {
        adSlotAPI = setup(globalConfig)
    } catch (failure: SetupException) {
        when (failure.code) {
            60 -> Log.i("[publisherModule]", "config not valid")
            61 -> Log.i("[publisherModule]", "Player API not available. Did you call `smartclientcore.connect(withYourPlayerFacade)` before?'")
            else -> Log.i("[publisherModule]", "Unknown setup error. ${failure.message}")

Sample code :: How to catch setup errors.


error: PluginError

Requests details about the most recent error that has occurred.

supportedFacadeVersion: String

Returns the version number for the supported Facade interface.



Declaration of ad types as ENUMs that can be used with requesting an ad slot.

tv.smartclip.smartclientcore.EVENT: Enum

Declaration of events as ENUMs that occur during playback of a single ad or mutliple ads delivery. See smartClientCore - Ad Events for more details.


List of event names as defined in the EVENT enum.