Video Advertising Suite


> Documentation-Index

HbbTV Sample App

Implementation Guideline

Applies to: HbbTV Applications build with HTML5 or CE-HTML
Last Modified on 2020-06-24T16:45:07.527Z

This guide walks you through the main components that are required to deliver video ads:

  • Player API - An interface that enables access to load and play out a specified video source. Certainly your HbbTV already includes a Video Player that can be controlled through JavaScript. Otherwise you should set this up first as illustrated in the Player Prerequesites.
  • Player Facade - Another interface that maps calls from the smartclientcore to the Player API. It requests the video player to load and play out video ad sources and requests status updates.
  • Ad Controller - An Object that initializes the advertising logic, requests ad breaks and handles ad events.


  1. Preparation Tasks - Player API
  2. Installing
  3. Safeguarding the Video Player - Player Facade
  4. Creating an Ad Controller
  5. Initializing an Ad Break